Civet Coffee (Kopi luwak) is the rarest specialty coffee and also one of the most expensive coffee throughout the world. Civet coffee Beans, in the past until now often hunted by coffee farmers, as is believed to originate from the finest coffee beans those have been naturally fermented in the digestive system of Civet (Luwak). Civet Coffee has perfect aroma and flavor that felt special among enthusiasts and coffee lovers around the world.
Civet or Luwak, is likely to looking for fruits that has a quite good quality, naturally riped and sweet as their food. One of those fruit is coffee. With a sensitive sense of smell, the civet will pick truly riped optimal cherries as food, and thereafter, the beans those are still hard skinprotected will come out with undigested civet droppings. This happens because the civet has a simple digestive system, so hard foods like coffee beans is not digested.

We Are proudly introduced our Civet Coffee which are 100% Robusta beans from Batu Lanteh village, Sumbawa, Indonesia . The Civet (Luwak) fed on this Batu Lanteh beans in the wild and not fed thus allowed it to pick the best sweet riped coffee cherries naturally. Picking the right coffee beans is the important aspect to get the best beans and Civet or Luwak does this best. This natural production process makes our civet coffee from Batu Lanteh are very special.
For Further Information, please contact:
Eksportir Indonesia by Noer Rachman Hamidi
Eksportir Indonesia Building
Jl. Prof. DR Lafran Pane No.26, Depok, Indonesia 16951
email : eksportir.indonesia@gmail.com by nrachmanbiz@gmail.com
SMS +62-856-111-1819
Faximile +62-21-87782119
Description: Civet Coffee Beans ( Kopi Luwak ) Indonesia
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: google.com
ItemReviewed: Civet Coffee Beans ( Kopi Luwak ) Indonesia